

Course Description

This course is designed as a course discussing many aspects of wind energy engineering. Detailed discussions will be provided regarding history of wind turbines, wind data collection and assessment, wind turbine blade aerodynamics, components of a wind turbine, wind turbine design, and environmental considerations.

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for engineers and other technical staff that are interested to learn more about different aspects of wind turbines.


Dr. Mason M. Medizade – President and CEO, Petrolects, LLC

Dr. Mason Medizade has more than twenty five years of experience in the oil and gas industry, worldwide. His oilfield experience spans from reservoir engineering, drilling, and completion, to enhanced oil recovery and petroleum production. Specifically, he has done engineering work related to real time production monitoring, production enhancement, drilling fluids, reserve estimation, filtration, sand control, surface facility design, and EOR and reservoir management. He has been involved in consulting, research and teaching in renewable and non-renewable energy sources since 1984. Dr. Medizade’s recent oilfield work involves real time flow monitoring for which he has obtained a US patent. Dr. Medizade is president and CEO of Petrolects, LLC.

Dr. Medizade is also a faculty member in the mechanical engineering department at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo,

where he focuses on petroleum engineering, wind energy, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics. Professor Medizade has taught numerous short courses in petroleum engineering to clients such as Petroleum Development of Oman (PDO), California Division of Oil and Gas, Petroleum Technology Transfer Council (PTTC), Texaco, Pertamina, and others. Dr. Medizade is an active member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and many other professional societies. He has authored numerous technical papers. His recent SPE paper discusses cyclic steam injection monitoring in diatomite. He has won numerous awards and certificates for his teaching and research work, including professorship from UNOCAL. He holds Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in petroleum engineering from University of Southern California (USC), and a B.Sc. degree in chemical engineering from Abadan Institute of Technology (AIT) in Abadan, Iran.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Course Content

  1. Wind Turbine History and its Origin
    • History of wind turbines
    • Modern wind turbines
    • Onshore installations
    • Offshore installation
  2. Wind Resources and Characteristics
    • Atmospheric boundary layer
    • Wind resources
    • Wind data analysis
    • Statistical techniques
    • Wind production and forecasting
    • Wind data measurements & Instrumentation
  3. Turbine Blade Aerodynamics
    • Momentum theory and Betz limit
    • Ideal horizontal axis wind turbine with wake rotation
    • Airfoil design
    • Blade design
    • Momentum theory and blade element theory
    • Blade shape for optimum rotor with and without wake rotation
  1. Wind Turbine Components
    • Material fatigue
    • Materials
    • Machine elements, components
  2. Wind Turbine Testing and Design
    • Design procedure
    • Power curve prediction
    • Wind farms
    • Installations & operations
  3. Environmental Aspects
    • Aviation/bat interactions
    • Noise

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